• No Added Hormones

  • No Antibiotics

  • Grass Fed

  • Farm to Table

The vision and the dream of Kingdom Sake Beef all in Seth Moore's field in 2020. The Covid Pandemic hit the world with fear and illness, and not to mention all of its economic hardships that we are still seeing today. It took a toll on the cattle industry. The big guys were raising the prices of

beef in the stores and paying bottom dollar at the sale. So ranchers were barely making any profit if not losing everything that they had worked so hard for.

Cattle Ranching isn’t just something that ranchers do for a hobby, it’s not just a job. It’s a way of life! It’s blood, sweat, and tears. It’s risking all that you must, to do what you love and know. It’s working extra just to make it by. It’s a way of life that is passed on from generation to generation. It’s a way of life that instills morals and values that shape men and women. Its way of life is not for the weary or the faint of heart. But for the God fearing, strong, determined, radical, tough cowboys and cowgirls, and its way of life is being jeopardized.

When God have this vision to Seth Moore. He knew it sounded crazy and radical. How could a poor cowboy preacher like him, start something so big? But he knew that God would lead the way and even though the circumstances look like it would never happen, he knew what God told him. His vision for Kingdom Sake Beef isn’t just processed beef and aged beef. It’s much more than that. It’s the people! They need to know that there is a God that is for them and not against them. There are people that need a second chance in life to become who God has called them to be. He also knew that the way that the government had a hold on the agriculture industry had to change. He knew that if no one did anything about it, then who would? Who would dare to risk it all, to change it all? Who

would stand up and make a difference?

Kingdom Sake Beef is and will be an organization that is based off the morals and values of the only true KING JESUS CHRIST. We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of our employees and community. We are excited about the impossible being made possible. Matthew 19:26 says that Jesus looked at them and said, “with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” So, here we are three years later and still pursuing God vision for this. There have been seasons of trail and tribulation, there have been seasons of discouragement, there have been seasons of hard ship. But we believe it has all been for what God has had planned all along. Kingdom Sake Beef isn’t just about beef. Its about the Kingdom of God here on earth and the difference that God wants to make.

Please keep us in your prayers and if you would like to be apart of Kingdom

Sake Beef and get updates. Make sure you sign up to receive emails.



USDA Inspected Dry Aged Beef

Dry aged beef is known for its unique flavor and tenderness. During the dry-aging process, beef is hung in a controlled, refrigerated environment for weeks. This allows natural enzymes to break down muscle tissues, enhancing flavor and tenderness. The process also results in moisture loss, concentrating flavors. Dry aged beef is more expensive due to time and space required for aging, and it's a preferred choice for many steak enthusiasts seeking a distinct culinary experience.


Good ole' USDA Inspected BEEF.

We will also offer the option to purchase whole beef, halves, and quarters. Don't want that much? You can customize a "The BOX' and it will come with the cuts of meat you prefer. Need it now and cant wait? Come in to the store and hand pick which cut and piece of beef you want.


Ranchers Program

We will be offering cattle ranchers 8% - 10% more than the market price for their cattle . This will give cattle ranchers incentives to keep their cattle and land. This will be based on the quality of the cattle when bought. All cattle will be graded.

We will also display their ranch on packaging and the history of their ranch on our website.

Get In Touch

Phone Number: 325-660-3036 or 903-276-9069

Coleman, TX 76834, USA